

On Tuesday, my school went to the Getty. It was seriously one of the most beautiful places ever! There were so many lovely gardens, paintings, and photographs scattered about the place. It was such a fun day of fellowship, learning, and loving God. One of the main parts of our tour was focused on seeing God through the paintings and how the artists either wanted to reflect God's presence or deny him. SUPER INTERESTING.
so. here are some pictures from the beautiful day :)



I love making lists of things. and for some reason I ENJOY making lists of things that I'll never get. Weird huh?
Here is a list of things I love and hey, maybe we can droll over them together.

It's like a children's anthropologie. yeah. its like a complete dream by what I've seen of there little cardigans and mary janes.

Ok. so. how can you not love these simple little blocks of lovelyness?!

3. Hazy by Rosi Golan
SUCH a beautiful little song. It's so peaceful and soft.

4. Goober
Who ever thought to mix peanut butter and jelly in a jar?! Goober did :) It's a bit.. interesting to me, but heather seemed to enjoy it! SO. props to Goober, for making a innovative product with a weird name!

have a spectacular day :)

ps. i'm super sorry i've been lagging with pictures!! I've had NO time to take any! BUT i got a new film camera and the pictures will be ready by tomorrow (hopefully!) so i can share them with you!


A bit about me.

I love learning about people. A couple years back, my teacher gave us a quiz, to learn what our Personal Intelligences were (sounds confusing/thinky, they aren't!) and my answer was- People/Visual. meaning I love to be with people, and i love to be creative! Pretty much the mind of a photographer! Kenzie and I believe that all photographers have the same mind!! Its CRAZY! but anywhoo. heres a bit about me-
1. When do you feel happiest?

When I'm with my friends and worshipping God. These things often go hand in hand. I've got AMAZING friends! Seriously. one time we were sitting on my friends trampoline at her New Moon party, and we just started praying for our unsaved friends. Do most eighth grade girls do that? probably not. :)

2. How do you take care of yourself?

I sleep a lot. Like 10 hours a night. ha. I'm pretty bad when it comes toexercise, but I think smiling counts right?

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?

Mainly externally, but there are moments when my creative brain peaks through and gives me some wacky ideas!

4. What do you do for fun?

Watch movies with friends, go to youth group, eat, edit pictures, go on photoshoots, play with my puppies, talk to Jesus, love people.

5. What intimidates you?

old grumpy people and deadlines.

6. What is something you're proud of?

a couple of my photos. they make me happy :)

7. Finish this sentence.
I never _____________ do one thing at one time. I love to multi task!!

8. Favorite vacation spot.

my backyard

9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).

8. Heather and I sucessfully talked at church. Although the whole thing we had planned went out the window, it was even better than planned! Gotta love the Holy Spirit! Then we had a brunch for fundraising for Hume Lake, and we got to have yummy sausage and strawberries. Finally I had to come home and scrapbook for DC, thats when the day lost a couple of points..

10. Finish this sentence.
If you knew me really well you'd know_____________ I eat frozen peas,frozen waffles, and other weird frozen food other people don't like.

this is my friend morgan's
amazingly cute
little kitten!
I'm not a big fan of talking infront of people. I stutter and my stomach gets all knotty. But some how I always get myself in the situations where I do have to talk infront of people. Today heather and i will be talking infront of the WHOLE church body to share what God has been doing in our lives, for youth sunday. Please pray for us!!



So I was reading through my Real Simple magazine. And I absolutely fell in love with the couple pages they had about what's worth your time. (the issue was all about time-savers, time-splurges, and how to have more time!)
Here are two of my favorite things in life that are worth the time.

1. Smelling flowers.

{this lovely little lady makes it look all the more enjoyable}

And 2. Curling up with a good book, with a fluffy throw blanket, and a cup of yogi calming tea.
{a bit specific, but this described my night last night! I was determined to finnish Harry Potter 6-mission accomplished.}

Here is one thing I am GOING to make time for in my life this year:
Documenting a week of my life.
in the magazine, a lady talked about how she documented everything that happened for a week, celebrating the "itty-bitty" stuff.
first, she photographed her alarm clock, a empty mug of tea, the few from the kitchen. next, she went into pack-rat mode and collecting receipts, newspaper headlines, lists, candy-bar wrappers, little notes and doodles made while on the phone. then she wrote herself a daily message, about what she loved that day, her emotions, what she was grateful for, what she wanted to throw out. at the end of the week, she printed out all of her photos, and sorted them out with the rest of her daily treasures. she organized them into a beautiful little scrapbook, and remembered a simple week of life. not a week of vacation, or monumental things, just a week that was simple, and without this book, usually forgotten.
{I really want to do this! SO hold me accountable and if you want to too, let me know :) we can be accountability partners!)

Now. What do you make time for in the week?


Life is SO good!

the tittle pretty much speaks for itself.
Heres the scoop:
1. No homework this week because of SAT's!
2. It getting warm here, and there's a bunch of pretty yellow flowers blooming!
3. Lots of photoshoots scheduled for Operation Freedom!
4. DC scrapbook is almost done! for those of you who don't know- my class is required to make this scrapbook about our trip to DC. It takes up about 3 hours a day, and the creative juices have left my brain (hopefully not permadently!)this scrapbook=death, even to those who like scrapbooking (ok. so I'm being harsh, but really its a PAIN!)
5. I GET TO MEET SHARON CLARK! yeah. One of my biggest dreams is coming true!! not only do we get to meet, ha, we're shooting a wedding with her!! that pretty much can make any day :)

because I'm in a crazy/excited/lovely/happy-dancing mood,
heres a picture of heather and I from crazy hat day
at school :)


right this moment. . .

I hope you’ll visit:
~the operation freedom photography fan page on facebook!
I’m excited because:
~we get to see Tyrone Wells in concert tomorrow!
~my school girls basketball team made it to the finals, and the tournements to night! GO EAGLES!
~there's an anthropologie bag in my room right now. that just makes everything better.
~my daddy loves Jesus!
I can’t stop thinking about:
~pretty melodies.
~film pictures.
~hearts in the sand.
~perfumed roses.
I’m ready for:


Operation {Freedom} Photography.

As you read this, two children will be caught up in sex slavery.
Although slavery is illegal almost everywhere, there are more slaves than ever before. Girls. The average age is 13, my age, living the most dreadful, and terrifying life. With no way out. Girls are promised a new job, instead they are brought to a Brothel, where they see at least 5 costumers a day. These girls think they have no future, but WE are changing this. Kenzie {kenziekatephoto.blogspot.com} and I have started a small photography business. No, we're not professionals. But we are using our gift, photography, to free these girls from this hopeless lifestyle. Like my post before, our youth group is heading this project, and this is our duty to help.
It costs $500 to free one girl, and for $100 we're doing one-hour photoshoots including many people as you would like, any location, two photographers, and a disc with all of the edited images. Just 5 photoshoots could free one slave. You're help could make all the difference.



Today Michelle and I had our combined birthday bash!!
We asked everyone to bring money opposed to presents to free one girl from sex slavery. WE RAISED EXACTLY $500!! The cost of one girl's freedom! :) SO exciting!! We played in the rain, ate bunches of food, danced, laughed, and loved eachother!
Heres a couple of shots from the party!


I have to say, I have some beautiful friends. This is just a glimpse of the last photoshoot I went on a couple weeks ago.

Anthropologie Suitcase + Oxfords= LOVE

the AMAZING photographer Kenzie Floyd! check out her site at {kenziekatephoto.blogspot.com}



So. I change my mind pretty quickly, but when i like something, I REALLY like it. My common saying, "oh! I could marry that!!"
Here is what I'm loving right now, my new obsessions, my lovelies.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution:
ah man! this guy is pretty amazing! the best part: his little baby girl in the beginning with her English accent saying "I love you daddy"

Little English Baby's:
Like above, oh MAN! Have you heard little English kids talk SO CUTE!! I think my favorite is the little girls in The Holiday {favorite movie right now!} saying... "daddy, aren't you going to take her coat?" if you haven't seen it YOU must watch that movie!!

free tv shows at the click of a mouse. AMAZING.

He DIED for us, and ROSE again :)


Bucket List.

This is my bucket list. Full of dreams that may never come true {see deliver letter by owl-post}, dreams that I cannot stop thinking about {see meet Sharon Clark}, dreams that mean so much to me {see read the entire Bible}, and dreams that simply make me happy thinking about them {see make someone laugh, go to Africa, go to Hogwarts, work with a non-profit, ect.}
These are things I want to do in my life. They are the little things that make life so much more enjoyable.

Meet Sharon Clark.
Read the entire Bible.
Read all of Nicolas Spark’s Books.
Make someone laugh.
Buy something at Anthropologie.
Write down a dream.
Go to a Jasmine Star Workshop/Smitten Photography Workshop.
Fly a kite.
Have a picnic.
Use a Polaroid camera.
Take silly pictures in a Photo Booth.
Go to Africa.
Finnish a scrapbook.
Write letters more often than emails.
Finnish a book in 2 days.
Do my own pedicure.
Deliver a letter by owl-post.
Start my own photography business.
Be involved with a non-profit.
Spend a whole day at the beach.
Dance in the pouring rain.
Go to Hogwarts.
Not worry.
Plan a wedding.
...and more to come!

Today Michelle Fisher {http://allaboutthememories.com} and I had a free day. Full of little bakeries, sitting without shoes on the pier, girl talks, magazines and books, window shopping, bumping into old friends, grilled cheeses, anthropoligie, and soft doughy pretzels. It was a great day. with no agenda, no responsibilities.

Remember, because Jesus died for YOU today. and He loves YOU more than you can ever image. blows my mind :)


Friends without Homes.

We do this once a week. We feed, fellowship, and love homeless people in Santa Barbara. We share Jesus with them and laugh together. I think the love we feel is mutual. They enjoy us coming down and we love learning from them.
Here are a couple pictures my friend Sam took yesterday..

Cynthia, Chloe, and I sitting in the Bobb's car. One of the most amazing families ever.

Getting our fellowship on!

This woman is Connie. One of my greatest friends from Pershing. A woman with amazing faith and the kindest heart.

The boy's representing the new Reflection shirts

Want to be part of this? Come to Pershing Park in Santa Barbara on Wednsday Evenings : )