
if it has to end..

Tomorrow I graduate junior high. to most, it doesn't seem like a big deal, high school and college those matter, but to my little class, junior high matters. These 3 years were the years were we bonded and made our foundations for what will come in the next years of our lives. We are sad to leave, but excited to start the next chapter.

{We have had the time of our lives

And now the page is turned

The stories we will write

We have had the time of our lives

And I will not forget the faces left behind

It's hard to walk away from the best of days

But if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend

In the time of our lives.}

this song (Time of Our Lives, by Mr. Tyrone Wells, whom heather, michelle, kelli, and i got to see live in SB!!) clearly portrays what our class is feeling.
i'm not sure if i will have a post tomorrow, due to hair curling, homemade pizza eating, family pictures, partiying, and the actual cerimony! But i promise there WILL be pictures of this day, because. well this day we will be leaving our school. and if we don't have pictures to remember this buy, i will shoot myself. Totally kidding!! BUT i would be very upset!! Anywho. Thanks for taking time to read my blog, i really do appriecate it!


  1. Oh lu! All of your posts sum up my feelings PERFECTLY!! i still can't believe we are graduated, but i will never forget all the memories we had at that school!

  2. i agreee!! oh i'm so glad that i make sense sometimes!

  3. i've spent the last half hour catching up on all my blog reading - well done and keeping yours updated these past few weeks! it was SO great seeing all of you last night! i've missed you SOOOO much! praying for you as we all get ready for camp! :)
