
It's raining here. what the heck?! its supposed to be summer!
I just hope the rain is gone by this weekend, because my favorite people in the world and i are going to down to pismo to camp! Ah! It's going to be SO much fun.
here are some pictures. because i love photobooth.

this is SUPER old, but this is what my school is like :)
i love this girl so incredibly much!
back in the day.

okay. just to make it clear. i dont own this iphone in my hand.
i'm not THAT cool.

okay. dorky picture I know, but you must meet my dog pete. he is the best dog you will ever meet.

chloe and i are the spazz queens


  1. we just filled two huge carts @ costco full of camping food. sugar snap peas included!

    just a lil excited about this weekend!

    p.s. cute pics! :)

    and looking forward to hanging out w/ your fam tomorrow night b4 open house! :)

  2. oh my goodness gracious michelle. i packed yesterday. can you tell that im a wee bit excited for pismo?!?!?!
    ps. im super excited for you to come over! i'll show you my dress and shoes in person! and i guess sense you won't be at graduation i could even give ya a personal little fashion show if you want! haha justt kidding!
    pss. we need to take some photobooth pictures sometime :)
    psss. you+cody+me+kenzie+cameras= best photoshoot ever!
    i want to take yo picture!!
