dear wonderful, amazing, beautiful blogs.I love you so much. but I'm sad to say it's your fault i'm failing math. you must stop tempting me with your lovely goodness.
love you much,
Ok. So i'm not really failing math, but i think that blogs are the reason that i have no clue what
this means-
I mean really? is that ever going to help me in life?! ok.. i'm not complaining. but i am SO excited for summer.
would you like to hear why?
1. im graduating from 8th grade. okayy. so this one is kinda bittersweet. I've never attended another school. and in 6 weeks I will be leaving my perfect little Christian school for the big high school. lets just say there are going to be some major changes!
2. i might be moving :) its like a 70% i'm moving to a beautiful little home sometime soon. but another bittersweet moment. i don't remember living anywhere else than my beautiful little ranch. and i'm not a big fan of change, but thats pretty much what all of my year has been, lots and lots of change. hey, i think its good for me!
3. HUME LAKE! seriously best week of my life. Ahhhhhh! Hume is like the happiest place on the face of the earth next to Disneyland.
4. i'm going to florida with heather to enjoy a week with my family!
5. it's going to be a summer of relaxing, living, laughing, and loving :)